About MeMy name is Shaam Anand, and my area of study is medicine, and more specifically, neurology. I am apart of many clubs such as NHS, Student Council, MuAlphaTheta, and Asian Culture Club among others. I have a deep-rooted passion for the sciences as well as studying the human body and its physiology. This passion, coupled with my determination to learn through research and real-life experiences, will allow me to be successful in the ISM program. I wish to take my ISM experience and carry it forward to my future endeavors as I go to college to study my major and eventually work in the field of my choice.
Mission StatementThroughout my journey in the Independent Study and Mentorship, I wish to gain a deeper understanding of the medical field as well as integrate myself into the field through a real-life application with a mentor in order to become a neurologist. My goal is to develop my experience in the medical field, resulting in my final product in ISM. This will be accomplished through my hard work, dedication, and passion for knowledge as I pursue my goals in the medical field.
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